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4 Articles

2020 Football Preseason Quiz #2 and Quiz #1 Answers

In an effort to prepare our membership for the season, a series of short preseason quizzes has been developed. Click on the link below to read the second quiz and review the answers to the first quiz. Let’s all take this time to continue to improve our rules knowledge!

Thank you
Metro Detroit Athletic Officials

Morris Hood III

Former state senator Morris Hood III passed away due to complications from COVID-19. During his career he twice introduced and supported state legislative efforts that would make assaults against officials a felony in the state of Michigan. Please help us remember an important legislative leader that supported all officials.

Thank you

2020 Football Preseason Quiz #1

We don’t yet know what the future holds in store for the fall football season. But in an effort to prepare our membership for the season, a series of short preseason quizzes has been developed. Click on the link below to read the first one. Answers will posted and shared later along with future quizzes. Let’s all take this time to continue to improve our rules knowledge!

Thank you