- Crew schedules are due by September 1st. Crews with more than 5 should inform those who will not be on the 5-person post-season crew to send an individual form. Coordinate with your crew chief. The crew schedule form can is available at: https://www.mhsaa.com/portals/0/Documents/Officials/fboffcrew.pdf
- CREW CHIEFS! – Review the MHSAA website ASAP to make sure members of your crew are part of an approved association. Email us at metrodetroitathleticofficials@gmail.com if you believe they should be a member of the MDAO and they’re aren’t listed as a MIGS.
- An individual Varsity football schedule is due by September 1st. It is okay to send in an individual schedule even if your name is on a crew schedule. The fillable form can be accessed at: https://www.mhsaa.com/Officials/schedulesfortournamentconsideration
- The 2019-20 football exam for post-season consideration is due by the end of the day Thursday September 12. It is available for viewing as a pdf at: https://www.mhsaa.com/portals/0/documents/officials/fb%20exam.pdf but it must be completed online at your MyMHSAA > Official Services > Exams. We will be going over this exam at our meeting on September 10th.
- If you have not yet completed the 2019-20 football RULES meeting, it is also due by the end of the day Thursday September 12.
- If you are a crew chief looking to get connected with new officials or are a new official looking to get connected with a crew, please contact the MDAO Recruiting and Mentoring Coordinator Shane Bies at 248-766-4083 or shanebies@hotmail.com
- If you are a member of the MDAO and don’t have access to Hudl, email Bob Foss at bob@detroit2auto.com
- Ask coaches and the AD to share game video via one-way exchange to Mifootball Training
Our next football meeting is scheduled for:
TUESDAY September 10 at 6:30pm
Birmingham Groves High School
(We’ll be in the little theater. Enter on the west side of the school.)
If you have conflicts attending at least two meetings in the sport(s) you officiate, please email us at: metrodetroitathleticofficials@gmail.com
Thanks for all your hard work and we look forward to working with everyone this upcoming year.