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Second Basketball Meeting Reminder

by metrod12_wp 0 Comments

Monday November 20th at 6:30pm

Birmingham Groves High School

20500 W 13 Mile Rd Beverly Hills MI 48025

In the little theater on the West side of the high school.

Everyone should go into the regular entrance nearest to the little theater in photo below. Newer officials will go to the gym. Everyone else will meet in the little theater.

MDAO is partnering with Birmingham Groves High school to provide an opportunity for newer officials (1-3 years of experience) to see a floor mechanics demonstration and work an intersquad scrimmage. Officials with state final experience will be available to offer feedback and critique to get you ready for the upcoming season. Two person mechanics will be emphasized. Bring a shirt, shoes, whistles, and pants if you’d like to get some reps in!

Please remember that one of the requirements to be tournament eligible is be a member in good standing with a local approved association.

Again this year, electronic payment is possible!

If you have not yet registered with us as a local approved association, beat the crowd before the meeting and pay ahead!

Most major apps are available including Zelle, Google Pay, and PayPal. Please send payment to for Zelle, Google Pay, and PayPal. For Venmo use @Mike-Schram-19

Include your name, officials ID and your preferred email address.

Dues can still be paid by completing a hard copy registration form available on our website at:

and mailing check to:


11204 Hickory Grove Ct.

South Lyon MI 48178

As a reminder, we’ve been advised by MHSAA to clear out our members in good standing for each sport every year. To be considered a member in good standing with the MDAO for a sport, remember to:

1) pay your dues for the year,

2) submit an updated registration form (even if your information has not changed) and

3) attend at least two meetings in each sport you officiate.

If you have conflicts attending at least two meetings in the sport(s) you officiate, please email us at:

Look forward to seeing you there!