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Request from State Senator Morris Hood

State Senator Morris Hood District 3 is wanting to connect with a few individuals to see if they would be interested in participating in a short video clip regarding Senate Bills 200 and 201 that would increase penalties for assaulting sports officials.
Some questions that each official would be asked during the video:
1.    What is your personal story regarding fan / parent aggression?
2.    Why do you think this bill would help?
3.    What does this bill mean to you?
4.    What would the bill mean for the future of sports?
5.    What would the bill mean for the future of referee recruits?
6.    What could the future of sports look like if nothing is done to help stop aggression against referees?
7.    What lesson is aggression against referees teaching our children?
Please contact Nathan Kark, Chief of Staff, if you are interested.
ph  (517) 373-1254