Clarified that eye shields that are not intended for baseball catcher’s helmet and mask combination and any tinted eye shields should not be attached to face masks (1-5-4) — There has been an increase of catchers attaching aftermarket eye shields to their face masks that are tinted and not approved by the face mask manufacturer. Attaching a product that was not manufactured for the specific face mask is a risk to the wearer. The tinted eye shield is problematic because it would prevent a medical professional from accessing the eyes of the catcher to determine their condition.
Deletion of the jewelry rule. Exceptions are covered under other existing rules (1-5- 12) — Any jewelry worn that poses harm or injury to the player or their opponent is covered in existing rules.
Clarified the definition of a lodged ball (2-4-4) — A definition of a lodged ball was necessary and appropriate to differentiate when it is stuck on the field or in an apparatus, compared to when it is stuck in a glove.
Deletion of the jewelry rule. Exceptions are covered under other existing rules (3-3- 1d) — This is a companion rule change with the deletion of Rule 1-5-12. If jewelry is worn that poses harm to the player or the opponent, there is existing rules support to handle the situation. Bandannas are still prohibited.
Modified the pitching rule with the elimination of the relevance of the non-pivot foot. The pivot foot will be the determining factor to decide if the pitcher is in the wind-up or set pitching position (6-1-1, 2, 3) — In reference to the high school pitching rule, the position of both the pivot and non-pivot foot was the determining factor to deem if a pitcher was pitching from the windup position or the set position. The game has evolved throughout high school baseball for the pitcher to pitch with the pivot foot in a windup description with the non-pivot foot in a set description. This “hybrid” position was previously illegal by NFHS rule. What is important is that umpires, coaches and players know what position the pitcher is using so they know which part of Rule 6 is in play. Deleting the use of the non-pivot foot does no damage to the existing pitching position rule and having only the pivot foot determine makes it clean and easily discernible for all involved.
Clarified that umpire signals have been separated into two categories. (NFHS Official Signals) — A – PRE-PITCH SITUATIONAL CHANGES – 8 signals to demonstrate situations and their explanations; B-DURING PLAY & RESULTS – 8 signals to demonstrate calls.